Saturday 7 July 2012

V-Singer audition 2012

Just came back from the V-Singer 2012 audition (held by Ocean Butterflies) today. I was actually scheduled at a much earlier date, but had postponed it due to personal reasons.
Darn, I was sooo nervous (but I tried not to show it. LOL). But then again, being nervous is inevitable when it comes to competitions like these!

Being the girl with low self-confidence as I always am, I didn't really pin much hopes on getting past the audition.

And my fate just made a twist.

I got cut off halfway during my song rendition, and the judge thanked me.

"Well, that was it," I thought. "Just as I expected."

As I prepared to make my way down the stage, the judge said, 
"Congratulations. You made it."

I guess I didn't really react the way I SHOULD (being happy and everything) as I was in a stunned mode. I think I must have looked so silly as I stared at the judge and thanked him with a blank expression on my face.


Honestly, I'm already contented with the passing of first round. It's a blessing, even if this may be the furthest I can go.
I joined the audition due to the fact that someone looked down on my ability to sing the song I intended to.
"Your voice isn't suitable for it." the someone said.
Agitated, I signed up for the audition JUST TO PROVE THAT FREAKING GUY WRONG.

I CHOSE THAT SONG despite all odds.
And I got in.

Even though I am no longer in contact with that *someone*, but I'm already contented.
Thank you, my lucky stars.

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