I've been wanting to post this for the LONGEST time ever but I just couldn't find the time to sit down to do it.
It's something that has been bothering me for quite awhile and I am SO glad that it came out in the news today.
Yes, if you haven't heard about it - It's regarding this little cutesy keychain here (known as "Kopenhagen rabbits") that I am sure you would have seen it somewhere.
It's like the in-trend thing and I can guarantee you almost all the girls out there would squeal in delight because it IS JUST SO CUTE, FLUFFY AND SOFT.
Just like a real rabbit.
Yes, they may NOT necessarily be fur from the rabbits (just that they were MADE into the shape of a rabbit) - but I've done a bit of research and found that there were reports that the fur were skinned from animals known as Minks.
How could anyone possibly lay a finger to skin these cute little creatures?
According to a source on how minks are killed:-
"Most of the mink on fur farms are killed between November and December, except for the animals that are kept for breeding stock for the following year. These animals are killed in March and frozen for their pelts until the winter. They are gassed to death.
Animal Equality has documented how minks are forced out of their cages by farmers and thrown violently into the gassing box. Seventy minks are crammed inside. Once inside, they can remain alive for over fifteen minutes, making desperate attempts to escape."
(I am not saying that ALL of the Kopenhagen rabbit keychains are made only from mink fur as there are many different manufacturers. BUT I do have credible sources from some manufacturers that they have used mink fur to make the keychains)
I have no idea if people who bought it are actually AWARE that these are made from real animal fur (dead or alive, we won't know) BUT one thing for sure, these fur were SKINNED from poor, innocent animals who sacrificed themselves just to become that cute but dead little accessory you hang on your bag.
I was at Bugis last week and spotted one of the stalls selling them. It was not difficult to spot as they looked so colorful and many shoppers would often stop short in their tracks to touch them.
"Ohhh.. Sooo cute! So soft!"
Knowing very well that these were real fur, I asked the shop assistant about it nonetheless.
She immediately denied that those were real and said those were in fact "Man-made fur"
If those fur are man-made, then my armpit hair are man-made, too. *rolls eyes*
But I am sure her answer would let the guards down of many because people would feel safe that they are man-made, hence going ahead to purchase it thinking that NO ANIMAL WAS HARMED.
If you are one who own one and not aware that this is actually real, then it's time you should take a second look at it again.
Real Fur are incredibly soft to touch (NO man-made fur is able to replicate that feel) while fake fur feels coarse and even rough at some points. I know very well because I own fake fur products.
Also, there will be a tinge of smell - I am not sure how to describe it exactly, but it has this grass-kind of smell that only exists in real fur.
Honestly, I was captivated and tempted to purchase the Kopenhagen rabbit keychains before until I conducted my own research and discovered the horror behind them.
For those of you who use Taobao, try searching for Kopenhagen rabbits on them and you can see for yourselves. Some sellers will even state the origins of the fur and HOW they made them.
You will be stunned for words.
Surprisingly, nobody had reported about it or even mentioned on any websites during the period when it was so hot in trend.
I guess people just took it that the Kopenhagen rabbit keychains are just another accessory.
If you love animals and are against animal cruelty, DO NOT SUPPORT SUCH ACT BY PURCHASING OR EVEN HANGING ON YOUR BAGS.
You MIGHT be actually hanging a piece of MINK if you do:-

I was at Bugis last week and spotted one of the stalls selling them. It was not difficult to spot as they looked so colorful and many shoppers would often stop short in their tracks to touch them.
"Ohhh.. Sooo cute! So soft!"
Knowing very well that these were real fur, I asked the shop assistant about it nonetheless.
She immediately denied that those were real and said those were in fact "Man-made fur"
If those fur are man-made, then my armpit hair are man-made, too. *rolls eyes*
But I am sure her answer would let the guards down of many because people would feel safe that they are man-made, hence going ahead to purchase it thinking that NO ANIMAL WAS HARMED.
If you are one who own one and not aware that this is actually real, then it's time you should take a second look at it again.
Real Fur are incredibly soft to touch (NO man-made fur is able to replicate that feel) while fake fur feels coarse and even rough at some points. I know very well because I own fake fur products.
Also, there will be a tinge of smell - I am not sure how to describe it exactly, but it has this grass-kind of smell that only exists in real fur.
Honestly, I was captivated and tempted to purchase the Kopenhagen rabbit keychains before until I conducted my own research and discovered the horror behind them.
For those of you who use Taobao, try searching for Kopenhagen rabbits on them and you can see for yourselves. Some sellers will even state the origins of the fur and HOW they made them.
You will be stunned for words.
Surprisingly, nobody had reported about it or even mentioned on any websites during the period when it was so hot in trend.
I guess people just took it that the Kopenhagen rabbit keychains are just another accessory.
If you love animals and are against animal cruelty, DO NOT SUPPORT SUCH ACT BY PURCHASING OR EVEN HANGING ON YOUR BAGS.
You MIGHT be actually hanging a piece of MINK if you do:-
My heart just broke while sourcing for pictures of Kopenhagen rabbit keychains for this blog entry.
Unless you don't mind the idea that poor animals such as minks had their fur SKINNED just to become that fanciful accessory you hang on your bag, then you can go ahead to purchase it.
Just remember that you are owning a piece of what could have been the beautiful fur on that animal if not for the fact its life has been sacrificed for you.
Unless you don't mind the idea that poor animals such as minks had their fur SKINNED just to become that fanciful accessory you hang on your bag, then you can go ahead to purchase it.
Just remember that you are owning a piece of what could have been the beautiful fur on that animal if not for the fact its life has been sacrificed for you.
Minks... What did they ever do to deserve being treated like that? I'm with you on this, please, don't patronize companies that continue to do this to poor, innocent minks...
Yes, you are absolutely right. Those animals have done NOTHING to deserve this. By purchasing the products, people are just encouraging more minks to be killed!
DeleteOmg i got one as a gift.... but now i dont know what to do
DeleteIt's ok because you already got one. If you received it as a gift, just keep it, but if you bought it to give to someone you could just return it?
DeleteI almost bought one but didn't as I'm suspicious cause the feel of the fur is just too "real" and I didn't want to buy also because it's quite expensive.. I'm glad that I didn't buy since my suspicion is quite accurate.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you did not purchase the product eventually! Yes, the feel of real "fur" is just VERY different from fake fur. Thank God to your suspicion - You made the right choice. :)
DeleteOh my god! I bought 4 of them due to the cuteness n assurance the fur are man made...shall I remove them from my Gucci bags n bury those $40 Bunnie furs? =`( sad
ReplyDeleteAwww.. :( I am sorry that you had purchased them while being unaware that the fur are real. Some sellers can be really unethical! There is no need to bury the Bunnie furs (Haha)..Since the animals have already sacrificed their lives, just be sure to keep their fur properly somewhere...
DeleteAre you trying to show off the fact that you're rich by stating that you have not one, but MULTIPLE Gucci bags??? sheesh
DeleteWhat is wrong with having multiple Gucci bags? She is not showing off, it is NOT a crime being rich. Don't hate because you can't afford them!
DeleteI thought only authentic one use mink fur and those bugis one are fake.. OMG.. I almost bought one...
ReplyDelete"Kopenhagen fur" is the company. They've never hidden the fact that they are a mink fur company. Unless you've bought counterfeit bunnies,which would not have mentioned the company's name and can in fact come from the black market which can be a lot more cruel! And by the way most of our shoes are made of leather even Gucci handbags!
ReplyDelete"Kopenhagen fur" is the company. They've never hidden the fact that they are a mink fur company. Unless you've bought counterfeit bunnies,which would not have mentioned the company's name and can in fact come from the black market which can be a lot more cruel! And by the way most of our shoes are made of leather even Gucci handbags!
ReplyDeleteI blooming bought one two days ago. Totally off my furdar (fur radar?!). So after much thought and consideration I'm sending the little guy of to this group http://www.snugglecoats.org/how-to-donate-your-fur.html
ReplyDeleteOh no I bought a vary cheap one that was like 10$ idk if it's real or not because it feels vary soft but at the same time it was 10$ and I don't want to give it away because my mother got it for me for my birthday
ReplyDeleteThis is so unkind.I will not buy one.I was about the make a purchase until ....the TRUTH
ReplyDeleteI bought it before the trend and now i regret it a lot but I already bought it so...
ReplyDeleteKopenhagen Fur has extensively shown how they keep their farms and all of their minks are well taken care of until pelting. They've been very open about their fur products since the beginning so you freaking out is a little unnecessary. They're not hiding anything and even take pride in caring for their animals until pelting season. They're closely monitored by the government animal and food product board and make sure that if one of their animals get hurt that they are treated and completely recovered. And if you're really that upset about animals being gassed I'm sure you don't eat any sort of meats that come from slaughterhouses where animals are treated much much worse, absolutely abused, shaved harshly, and mostly slaughtered alive.
ReplyDeleteHere's a link to Kopenhagen Fur's site, where they have pictures and articles about their company.
Please let's not defend the appalling fur industry. It's a shocking, cruel practice and of course Kopenhagen fur is going to tell you that. It's their business! Mink do not live like this in the wild - they are solitary animals. It's a disgrace it's being used for children's toys - a friend of mine has one and didn't realise. And yes I am a vegan before you ask
DeleteNobody was going to ask Kate - you just wanted to tell people... how do you know if somebody is a vegan?... Dont worry, they'll tell you!:D
DeleteKopenhagen Fur do not make the bag charm bunnies and never have - contact them if you wish and ask them. The label is fake on your bunnies is fake. These are Chinese manufactured real fur products usually advertised as rabbit fur, although without testing it is impossible to tell what fur they are is being used. DO NOT buy these products.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure? Mine came in a Kopenhagen box and all...my cousin ordered mine from them online apparently? Very legit and came with fur manual for care and cleaning unlike the charms purchased at boutique stores where just the bunny is sold boxless... Maybe Kopen does sell the original charms and some stores sell the fake ones?
DeleteI completley agree on this and i am extremly happy that so many people have strong opinions about animal cruelty and i just think its disgusting. You go girl!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI agree that it is Super cruel to do it.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm not to sure about this. As someone who does taxidermy I've felt and seen my fair share of mink fur, when I saw a Copenhagen rabbit in person today I was eager to examine it. It feels like rabbit hair to me, not mink. But when you spread the hair you don't see a leather backing, leading me to believe it is shorn from angora rabbits (like sheep) and then woven into fabric.
ReplyDeleteIt's fur and angora is horrific. If you have the stomach watch the videos but it's pulled out of the animal whilst they are alive and they are left with open sores all over their bodies and put back in a cage. The screams from these animals will break your heart. Let's all try to be more compassionate with our buying and avoid these products
DeleteNOOOO!!! I am so sad that the fur is real!! I bought a rly cute blue one, not being aware that they were real because the store manager said they weren't. So I told my friends they weren't real either!! :(
ReplyDeletei got one as a gift!!! :( i was looking up the price so i could get my friend a gift, but as soon as i searched it up i saw this:( im crying that this is real animal fur, i want to tell my friend but this was her gift to me from singapore and she cant go back to return it. :_(
ReplyDeleteI just bought one thinking it feels so damn soft and fluffy I had to get one. Plus it was of my favorite animal....A rabbit. I can't, I didn't know and now I'm crying omfg people are now carrying this around which is spreading this so called 'trend' I can't, I'm crying so hard fml. Now I can't bear to look at at it or touch it. FRICK YOU SHOP OWNER DONT SMILE AS I CHOOSE THE COLORS OF THIS KEYCHAIN, TELL ME, PUT A DAMN SIGN HANGING THERE OR SOMEHING JESUS CHRIST
ReplyDeleteI feel sick. I feel like SUCH an idiot. I hadn't heard anything about them, only seen them when walking past a couple of shops in my city (Melbourne). A couple of weeks ago I'd had a terrible day and felt miserable, so was having a look at a few shops and came across the stall that sells these keychain rabbits....which I hadn't felt or looked at until then...and thought it was so cute but then became suspicious after feeling how soft it was. So I asked the woman what it was made from, "Synthetic fibre" was the answer. So I ended up buying it. HOW could I be so stupid!!...I should have questioned it more. I must not have been thinking straight. I don't think I kept the receipt either, because I certainly would be going back to accuse that woman of lying. I bet she would claim she 'didn't know', I bet, which would obviously be untrue. I don't eat or use animal products, so I can't begin to explain what an IDIOT I feel. I've never owned anything made from fur, I should have known nothing man made was THAT soft :'(
ReplyDelete*RULE* If it feels like you're patting an animal...you probably are. No matter what your told.
Hey! my life is devastated! I’m going through hell right now from the past one month,i broke up with my bf.we both were completely in love.But i started having some issues with myself. my mood swings were a lot to handle for him an that point i just felt the need to break up and so i did.And i hurt him to the core which i never wanted to.He kept on begging me but i didn’t hear.Later on he started avoiding me and kind of did everything as you said in your video.it felt bad.I always loved him but i had to break up.I regret breaking up so much.But after that he said no to me.He said he’ll never come back as he cannot put faith in me.I have tried my level best but he is adamant that he cannot trust me. even though after i realised what i did.I changed myself completely.I dealt with my mood swings and now i don’t get any.He cannot trust me.what should i do?I love him and he does too but he says he don’t have that much courage to come back. one day in my office going through the internet i saw a post of a lady giving testimony on how she got her husband back,i also come across a blog site on how to reunite and get your ex back with a love spell it was really amazing to see this so i copy his email id on http://happyspelltemple.webs.com/ i explain my situation to him and gave him all the details he requested from me, he give me few days assurance that my boyfriend will come back after the spell i was so overwal to hear that so i just keep calm and follow up his order coz i really love my boyfriend and want him back. on the second day after the spell as he promise me, my ex call me also show up in my office begging me to forgive him and accept him back with out no delay, i lift him up with a kiss and was so very happy to have him back all my happiness was from Dr happy he is indeed a true man a father and a god sent. plz contact Dr happy on his email id direct at happylovespell2@gmail.com or call his mobile number on +2348133873774
ReplyDelete...wtf. Totally irrelevant to what this post is about. Everyone else is concern about the animal cruelty behind these rabbit keychain and your comment is basically about your love life and advertisement scam.
DeleteOmg, that is horrible. I was going to buy one, but now, god. No way. NO WAY.
ReplyDeleteOh no, I didn't know this... I was at the mall today with my friend and went into one of those souvenir/UGG/knock-off stores and was looking at these bright bunnies. My friend ended up buying one as a gift for me. It was $30, marked down from $50. I feel disgusted now, I don't know what I should do with it.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't exactly a secret... There website tells you this and they are very open about it:
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Hey, I was given one today for my birthday I never knew about them until I just wanted another one searching it up only to find out they're real fur and I'm over here crying saying I'm sorry to the litle guy I named fuzzles :'( I was so happy until now
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